
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Touched By Prayer-Rhoda Faye Diehl- The Jericho Fast
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Wednesday May 19, 2021

Wednesday May 19, 2021
Touched By Prayer-Rhett Barbaree
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Wednesday May 19, 2021

Wednesday May 19, 2021
Touched By Prayer-GREG HARVEY
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Join me as I chat with Greg Harvey! We will discuss his life, his ministry, and his relationship with Jesus!

Wednesday May 19, 2021
Touched By Prayer- Emma Stark
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Wednesday May 19, 2021
The beliefs we come into agreement with will eventually become our truth. What happens when those so-called truths are actually lies that keep us in bondage. Jesus is the truth and when he speaks those lies will fall away!

Wednesday May 19, 2021
Touched By Prayer-Julie Lavender
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Wednesday May 19, 2021
F. E. A. R. or False Evidence Appearing Real is a constant battle inside many of us. The thoughts that flood us when we are trying to do something new can sometimes leave us paralyzed. What would your life look like if you didn't have to fight off those lies? Well on this show my guest Julie Lavender is going to share some secrets that will kick fear to the curb! Broadcaster, author, musician, and public speaker, Julie Lavender, is a rare blend. She’s a heartfelt singer-songwriter, a classically trained guitarist and pianist, who is naturally inclined to swing. Julie is a studio pro and influencer who thrives on creative innovation and connecting with her audiences. Julie has a passion to help others beat their fear and anxiety by creating music, broadcasts, stories, and mentoring experiences that help unleash the Designer’s dreams planted inside each of us.

Wednesday May 19, 2021
Touched By Prayer-Christine Vales- His Appointed Times
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Does God still have days that are written in advance to prepare His people? The answer is an astounding YES! In fact, if we start looking into the times and seasons according to God’s calendar we will begin to know how to properly align ourselves at the right time. My guest is Christine Vales and her Hebraic teaching is spreading like wildfire through the internet. Christine and her husband, Carlos, began exploring the Hebrew roots of their Christian faith, Christine discovered the Lord’s prophetic calendar. The Lord began to stir her prophetic gift through understanding His appointed times and seasons as they were understood by His people and the need for them to be understood today. After several years of studying and creating her own handwritten Hebrew/Gregorian calendar and journal, she sought to purchase one, but to no avail, she then began to understand the Lord was calling her as a teacher for His glory and that this would be her next assignment. Christine created the first edition of “His Appointed Times: Hebrew/Gregorian Calendar & Journal” in 2017. Soon after it’s release, the Lord prompted Christine to continue to “feed His sheep.” She then began posting “Chalkboard Teachings” on YouTube and calendar encouragements on her website and social media. Her online teaching ministry continues to blossom and produce fruit worldwide. You don't want to miss this as she powerfully unpacks this New Year!

Wednesday May 19, 2021
Touched By Prayer-Antonio Sabato Jr
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Wednesday May 19, 2021
A line has been drawn in the sand in entertainment. Many celebrities have felt this pull and have made some hard choices. These courageous individuals are not swayed by the conviction of man, but by God. Their decision has caused an uproar to the puppet masters of control in Hollywood. The majority of entertainment sways left, but a remnant rises to make a hard right! My guest is Antonio Sabato, Jr and he chose the road of righteousness supporting our President, freedom, and God, Antonio was blacklisted from Hollywood. In his latest book, “Sabato, The Untold Truth” Antonio shares the generational struggle his family had to endure in order to have freedom. This book takes you through his days as the billboard of Calvin Klein underwear, General Hospital fame, and his courageous struggle to leave the fame to grab hold of his faith. Tune in as we talk about Faith, Films, and Freedom!

Wednesday May 19, 2021

Wednesday May 19, 2021
Touched By Prayer-Prophet John Natale
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Join me and my special guest Prophet John Natale as he shares his latest prophecy about President Trump, America and the future of our country. You don’t want to miss this exciting hour.

Wednesday May 19, 2021
Touched By Prayer-Christopher Long
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Wednesday May 19, 2021
There is a price to pay when you are willing to compromise your self for fame. In the music industry the cost isn't paid up front, but a little each day. Drugs, sex, alcohol and emptiness begin to takes it's toll as the debt is being called in for collection. The only problem is it will cost you your life. My guest is author, Christopher Long and his latest fictional book ”Superstar” spins a tale so riveting you don't want it to end. More than a salacious account of sex, drugs, egos, greed, power plays, and revenge, "Superstar" also delivers a greater message of faith and forgiveness triumphing over fame and fortune in the fast-paced world of country music. Join me as we talk not only about his book, but his story of living a rock n roll life.

Friday Sep 11, 2020
Krissy Nelson discusses her latest book "Slaying The Giant of Fear"
Friday Sep 11, 2020
Friday Sep 11, 2020
Fear is a giant that shouts at us from the battle lines of our lives--a giant adorned in seemingly impenetrable armor. But God has given us supernatural weapons that even fear cannot outrun. My guest is an author and speaker Krissy Nelson. In her latest book “Slaying the Giant of Fear” Krissy shares stories from her own life and the lives of others she uncovers a powerful truth: As children of God, we are made to live fearlessly. She has discovered through the story of David and Goliath that concealed are three supernatural weapons David used to slay the giant of fear. These weapons are hidden in plain sight for us to discover--and also to learn to use, because what God gave David, he also gives us. Tune in as we discuss the her latest book and tools you can apply to break free from fear!

Friday Sep 11, 2020
Janet Porter discusses the Heartbeat Bill and her book
Friday Sep 11, 2020
Friday Sep 11, 2020
There is a sudden, decisive shift taking place in our culture to end abortion in America. Victory is near. This should ignite hope in the heart of every pro-life American and strike fear in the hearts of abortion supporters. A revolution has begun, and its momentum is growing. My guest tells the story behind the “heartbeat bills,” which ensure that “if a heartbeat is detected, the baby is protected.” Heartbeat bills have been introduced in twenty-five states and passed in nine: Arkansas (2013), North Dakota (2013), Iowa (2018), Mississippi (2019), Kentucky (2019), Georgia (2019), Missouri (2019), Louisiana (2019), and Ohio (2019), where it all began. Author and writer of the heartbeat bill Janet Porter share the stories of how those bills were passed. more importantly, she will help you understand how more progress was made to end abortion in the first six months of 2019 than in the last forty years. Her book “A Heartbeat Away” explains why and how this has happened, what this means for us as a culture and a country, and how you can personally join the fight to see the insanity of infanticide end once and for all. Pro-life Americans must join together to see abortion end. It is a guide for those wanting to join this worthy cause and explains not only the very important nuances in the abortion debate today but also how the tide of victory has turned and what you can do next to boost the momentum and ultimately see the destruction of Roe v. Wade. You don't want to miss this powerful discussion!

Friday Sep 11, 2020
Steve Hampton- The Frequency of Heaven
Friday Sep 11, 2020
Friday Sep 11, 2020
In the book of Genesis, it says that God spoke. A sound was released from heaven and created the world. Throughout the Bible, it was sound through spoken words that brought a major change. The sound we were created in and we carry our instruments of heaven. As vibrational beings, we are literally a living symphony of energetic sounds. Many of us are aware that we may be missing certain instruments, notes, tones, or frequencies that are a part of our song. In order for us to create exceptional music with our lives, we need to be able to access all the notes in the spectrum of sound and reintegrate any missing frequencies. My guest Steve Hampton is a certified sound healer, recording artist, author, and consciousness coach. He is the founder of Kēmiyā Life! International, a living system based on incorporating subtle energies, frequency calibration, and holistic wellness practices. Tune in and get recalibrated as we discuss ”The frequency of Heaven”.

Friday Sep 11, 2020
Annie Lobert- Hookers for Jesus
Friday Sep 11, 2020
Friday Sep 11, 2020
There is a secret that is now being discussed openly by more people than ever. That secret has been hidden in plain sight and whispered behind closed doors of society. Many brave individuals have tried to expose the secret and have paid a huge price to do it. The secret is human trafficking and it’s a multi-billion perhaps even trillion-dollar industry. The victims were lured in and held in bondage. The chance of escaping grew dimmer with each passing day. Hopelessness and shame took over the joy of living a full life leaving the victim trapped in addiction, depression, or suicidal thoughts. However, God was pursuing those trapped. A voice calling out to them in the quiet of the night. He lit up a door that shined brighter in their darkest pit of despair. That door was Jesus and once they walked through everything thing changed. My guest broke free and walked through that door. Her courageous transparency has brought many to Jesus and her story is helping many to walk through the same door into freedom! Annie Lobert is a wife, speaker, author, entrepreneur, thought leader, advocate for the abused, non-profit founder and CEO) and a survivor of more than a decade of sex trafficking in Hawaii, Minneapolis, and Las Vegas. She is known for being one of the first women to openly speak about her experiences in being sex trafficked, and one of the first to start a non-profit outreach and safe house to help victims of abuse as a survivor-leader.

Friday Sep 11, 2020
Andrea Joy Moede discusses her book "The Path of Truth"
Friday Sep 11, 2020
Friday Sep 11, 2020
There's a fascinating pattern of humanity which comes into view when we open our hearts to the question: do I live with Truth as my guiding force or do the lies of negativity lure me in with their clamor? I believe we all intuitively know Truth when we see it but often tend to slide back into believing lies when life gets tough.- Andrea Joy Moede My guest is author and speaker Andrea Joy Immegart Moede. In her book “The Path of Truth”, Andrea Joy shares her journey of learning how to walk in truth. It’s in the pages of our life that hurts, lies, wounds, and unforgiveness begin to detour our path. Through her book and stories, she shares the ability to not only break the power of lies over our life but to build back the stepping stones of truth for us to walk on. Join us as we share our life journey from walking on the paths of deception and left it to run on the road to truth!

Friday Aug 21, 2020
Apostle Judi Valencia-The Queen Bee Deborah
Friday Aug 21, 2020
Friday Aug 21, 2020
The Old Testament describes Deborah as a mighty combination of judge, intercessor, prophetess, mother of Israel, and military strategist. ... The Old Testament describes Deborah as a mighty combination of judge, intercessor, prophetess, mother of Israel, and military strategist. Deborah is the only prophet and judge besides Samuel. It goes on to say that many people would come to seek Deborah for wisdom. As a mother of Israel, the role that Deborah played was significant. For generations, we have had women who would rise for specific reasons and seasons. These faith-filled prophetic women would search the wisdom of God to bring about a resolution to situations. In this hour God is raising up His daughters who will fearlessly seek Him and speak out His truth. Deborah’s are on the rise, but there is more to this anointing than we realize. My guest is Apostle Judi Valencia and I heard her give a sermon on Mother’s Day about Deborah that blew me away. Her teaching and fully understanding the Deborah anointing will help you to understand why women want to bee her!

Friday Aug 21, 2020
Apostle Michael Fram- A Father's Blessing
Friday Aug 21, 2020
Friday Aug 21, 2020
In the Bible, it was customary for an aging father to call in his children to bestow blessings on them. Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau, and Jacob blessed Joseph and his sons. In Old Testament times, the blessings carried important implications regarding the children’s inheritance and family standing, but those children also received affirmation and a sense of purpose from their fathers’ blessings. God put something inside of Fathers that needed to be passed from generation to generation. Not only does the blessing carry wisdom, but it will carry you into your destiny. What happens when your natural father isn't able to give you that blessing? Then God will send you someone who does. Enter in the spiritual father. My guest is Apostle Michael Fram who just so happens to be my spiritual father. Michael is in the process of raising up other spiritual sons and daughters through mentoring. The blessings that will come from that will be just as supernaturally powerful. Tune in as we discuss ”A Father’s Blessing”.

Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Angels are spiritual beings created by God to serve Him. They are very powerful beings who function as God's messengers. Many times in the Bible they appeared to people and said, "I have come as a messenger from the Lord." The New Testament tells us they are also ministering spirits sent to look after human beings who are the heirs of salvation (see Hebrews 1:14). In this day and age, it's important to know that angels are constantly being dispatched as the children of God cry out. The question that many ask is how do we ask for that angelic assistance in the trials of life? My guest is Dr. Candice Smithyman and she has a great understanding of the angelic realm. Her teachings will not only answer some questions about angels but give you tools to access the heavenly hosts. Dr. Candice Smithyman is a prophetic revivalist & healing minister who is Executive Pastor of Freedom Destiny Church and Vice President of Dream Mentors International. She is also the host of the Glory Road Television broadcast which showcases international prophetic voices and can be seen on Faith USA, UK and Africa, and other outlets. Dr. Candice has authored multiple books on soul transformation, healing, and heavenly encounters. Tune in as we discuss ”Send Me An Angel”.

Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Carrie Price- Knopse and Margie Negri- Revelation Perfect Love
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
We believe we are living at an age where darkness is prevalent, and God’s truths are being washed away by this current time and trends. We are in a crisis to overcome the darkness with God's perfect Love. We believe we are body, soul, and spirit. We cannot ignore one without the other. Often traditional therapy focuses only on the emotional aspect while ignoring what is going on spiritually. Our soul is made up of the mind/will, emotions, and memories, often leaving places that are vulnerable to spiritual intruders that are not wanted. My guests are Margie Negri and Carrie Price-Knospe from Revelation Perfect Love Counseling Center. These two amazing Pastoral Counselors have been impacting the lives of many. They found that everlasting freedom happens when they invited the presence of Jesus Christ our Lord into each counseling session. Their stories and testimonies can verify that when you let Jesus into any situation the results are life-changing!

Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Andrea Joy Moede discusses moving out of an orphan mentality
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
The Orphan spirit is rampant in the church and the world today, causing chaos and destruction. There is an answer to this orphan spirit, which is the spirit of adoption and the spirit of Sonship. Father God is waiting for His sons and daughters to understand who they are, and be the co-heirs He created them to be. The most perfect example of a son knowing his true identity, position, and inheritance was Jesus.As a son Jesus moved and operated with complete confidence in everything he did. Knowing that he was representing his Father on earth Jesus showed the world the true heart of God. The Bible clearly states that because of Jesus we have been adopted by The Father, yet many believers still live a life as an orphan. My guest is author, speaker Andrea Joy Moede. In this episode, we are going to share our testimonies of how we made the shift from orphan to adopted! We will also chat about her book ”Misunderstood” and the journey of leaving religion for a relationship!